

It’s not just his name that founder Desmond Nazareth has given to DesmondJi. His unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation is what allows this brand to boldly and authentically redefine the Indian spirit landscape.

Sourcing indigenous ingredients like blue-green agave, DesmondJi produces distinctly Indian agave spirits. They also make Forest Mahua produced from mahua flowers – a breakthrough innovation.

Before the pour

“It was deeply inspiring to hear Desmond talk about his mission to put a spotlight on authentic Indian drinks while also working to improve the lives of both the forest tribes who harvest mahua, and the villagers who grow agave. He’s a true pioneer when it comes to modernising age-old traditions, and making craft spirits accessible to a wider audience. His distillery manager Sai showed us round the solar powered facility that produces drinks that are a unique must-have on any drinks enthusiast’s shelf.”

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